
During nasal immune responses, lymphocytes activated in the nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) are thought to traffic to the nasal mucosa. Here we found a prominent infiltration of CD4(+) memory T cells into the nasal mucosa in a mouse model of allergic rhinitis. CCR3 and CCR10 mRNA was increased in the NALT, and CCR3- or CCR10-expressing CD4(+) T cells were present in the nasal mucosa. CCL28, a chemokine ligand for CCR3 and CCR10, was upregulated in nasal epithelial cells. Our results suggest that memory CD4(+) T cells traffic to the nasal mucosa in a process that may involve CCL28 and its receptors CCR3 and CCR10.

  • 出版日期2016-4