
Let R be a prime ring with extended centroid C and two-sided Martindale quotient ring Q. Let d be a nonzero derivation of R, f(x(1), ..., x(n)) a multilinear polynomial over C, b is an element of R, and I a nonzero right ideal of R. Suppose that b[d(f(r(1), ..., r(n))), f(r(1), ..., r(n))](k) = 0 for all r(i) is an element of I. If bI = 0, then either bd(I) = 0 or there exists an idempotent element e is an element of soc(RC) such that IC = eRC and f(x(1), ..., x(n)) is a PI for eRCe. If bI not equal 0, then there exists an idempotent element e is an element of soc(RC) such that IC = eRC and one of the following holds: (i) d = ad(a) for some a is an element of Q such that aI = 0 and f(x(1), ..., x(n))(k+1) is central-valued on eRCe; (ii) f(x(1), ...
