
Isolates from rhizosphere were screened and characterized for their plant growth promotion and biocontrol properties as per standard methods. Five isolates (MK2, MK4, MK5, MK7 & MK9) showed the maximum plant growth promoting attributes like P-solubilization, N-fixation etc. Acetylene reduction assay (ARA) method was used to study N-2 fixing ability. The bacterial isolate MK5 fixed the maximum nitrogen, i.e., 437.26 eta mole C2H4 h(-1) mg(-1) protein (109 mg of N-2 fixed/ha/d). The isolates MK5 and MK7 showed the maximum homology with Bacillus pumilus and B. subtilis, respectively by 16S rRNA analysis. The bacterial isolate MK5 in conjunction with 75% level of recommended dose of N and P fertilizers gave increase yield of cauliflower crop by 27.29% over recommended doses of NPK with a saving of 25% N and 25% P fertilizers.

  • 出版日期2015-4