
Adipose tissue is critical in energy homeostasis. Adipose tissue 'buffers' the lipids and energy rich compounds which are pumped into the blood stream soon after meals. It senses, signals other organs like liver and brain about the energy reserves via adipokines. Adiponectin, the most abundant adipokine has insulin sensitizing, anti-inflammatory antiatherogenic and antisteatotic effects. Adipose tissue dysfunction is accompanied by abnormal lipid distribution and storage which contributes to diseases like diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis. Obesity and lipodystrophy are associated with dysfunctional adipocytes. Pre-adipocytes are easy to isolate and culture. A personalized depot specific liposuction to remove the inactive adipocytes followed by adipocyte repopulation could be useful in the treatment of these diseases.

  • 出版日期2009-3