
We find a one-parameter family of coordinates {Psi(h)} h is an element of R which is a deformation of Penner's simplicial coordinate of the decorated Teichmuller space of an ideally triangulated punctured surface (S, T) of negative Euler characteristic. If h >= 0, the decorated Teichmuller space in the Psi(h) coordinate becomes an explicit convex polytope P (T) independent of h, and if h < 0, the decorated Teichmuller space becomes an explicit bounded convex polytope P-h (T) so that P-h (T) subset of P-h' (T) if h < h'. As a consequence, Bowditch-Epstein and Penner's cell decomposition of the decorated Teichmuller space is reproduced.

  • 出版日期2011-11
  • 单位rutgers