
Above the semiconductor-to-metallic transition (SMT) temperature (T-p), transport properties of the La1-xPbxMnO3+delta (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.5)-type mixed valence oxides with Tp between 23 0 and 275 K (depending on x) have been thoroughly examined for a small-polaron hopping conduction mechanism of the carriers. Although the variable range hopping (VRH) model was used earlier to fit the entire conductivity data above SMT, we noticed two distinct regions (above and below theta(D)/2; theta(D) is the Debye temperature) where different types of conduction mechanisms are followed. The high temperature (T > theta(D)/2) conductivity data of all the Pb-doped samples follow the adiabatic hopping conduction mechanism, while those of LaMnO3 (x = 0) showing no SMT follow the non-adiabatic hopping conduction mechanism of Mott or Emin with reasonable values of polaron radius, hopping distance, polaron binding energy, activation energy, etc being different for different systems. The VRH model, however, fits the corresponding low temperature (T < theta(D)/2) data of all the samples. Both resistivity rho(T) and thermoelectric power S(T) follow a similar microscopic theory above Tp supporting the small-polaron hopping mechanism. Thermoelectric power also showed appreciable magnetic field dependence around SMT.

  • 出版日期2001-10-22