
Striped raphael catfish, Platydoras armatulus, belongs to catfish family Doradidae, which are endemic to South America and featured by a single row of thorny scutes along the lateral line. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of P. armatulus by next generation sequencing of genomic DNA without prior sample processing or primer design. Bioinformatics analysis provided the full-length mitogenome sequence of 16,470 bp. The P. armatulus mitogenome is composed of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA genes and 1 control region, showing typical circular molecule structure as in other vertebrates. The whole genome base composition was estimated to be 30.9% A, 25.2% T, 15.9% G and 28.0% C, with A/T bias of 56.1%. The generation of P. armatulus mitogenome sequence enriched catfish molecular resources that are valuable for phylogenetic analysis and species identification studies.

  • 出版日期2016
