
Unpredictable uncertainties cause delays and additional costs for projects. Often, when using traditional approaches, the optimizing procedure of the baseline project plan fails and leads to delays. In this study, a two-stage multi-objective buffer allocation approach is applied for robust project scheduling. In the first stage, some decisions are made on buffer sizes and allocation to the project activities. A set of Pareto-optimal robust schedules is designed using the meta-heuristic non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) based on the decisions made in the buffer allocation step. In the second stage, the Pareto solutions are evaluated in terms of the deviation from the initial start time and due dates. The proposed approach was implemented on a real dam construction project. The outcomes indicated that the obtained buffered schedule reduces the cost of disruptions by 17.7% compared with the baseline plan, with an increase of about 0.3% in the project completion time.

  • 出版日期2017-4