A Dual Model of Entertainment-Based and Community-Based Mechanisms to Explore Continued Participation in Online Entertainment Communities

作者:Deng Yun; Hou Jinghui; Ma Xiao*; Cai Shuqin
来源:Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 2013, 16(5): 378-384.


Online entertainment communities have exploded in popularity and drawn attention from researchers. However, few studies have investigated what leads people to remain active in such communities at the postadoption stage. We proposed and tested a dual model of entertainment-based and community-based mechanisms to examine the factors that affect individuals' continued participation in online entertainment communities. Survival analysis was employed on a longitudinal dataset of 2,302 users collected over 2 years from an online game community. Our results were highly consistent with the theoretical model. Specifically, under the entertainment-based mechanism, our findings showed that the intensities of initial use and frequent use were positive predictors of players' activity lifespan. Under the community-based mechanism, the results demonstrated that the number of guilds a player was affiliated with and the average number of days of being a guild member positively predict players' lifespan in the game. Overall, our study suggests that the entertainment-based mechanism and community-based mechanism are two key drivers that determinate individuals' continued participation in online entertainment communities.