
A novel super-cooled process for transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding was proposed, which is different from conventional TLP bonding in the following: the liquid interlayer (Fe-Ni base amorphous alloy) is treated at a high temperature for a few seconds, and then at a low temperature for a few minutes, both two temperatures ate higher than its melting point. Owing to a fall of temperature, a super-cooling of composition is formed at the liquid/solid interface and the interfacial stabilities of the equilibrium solidification is broken, resulting in a cellular interface. After the completion of solidification, the interface disappeared, and a seamless joint is produced. The experiment of the novel super-cooled process was carried out using carbon steel as base metal and iron-nickel base amorphous alloy as interlayer, and compared with that of conventional TLP bonding. A non-planar interface formed at the first stage and disappeared at the finally stage during super-cooled bonding, so a homogenous joint without interface was obtained. As the detrimental effect of interface on bond properties is avoided, the impact toughness of joint is improved, which reached the base metal level.

  • 出版日期2007-10