
Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria are significant agents of urinary system infections, upper respiratory tract infections and nosocomial infections. The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic resistance to K. pneumoniae strains isolated in Microbiology Laboratory of different hospitals in Kahramanmaras between 2006-2007. Urine, vaginal fluid, wound, cerebrospinal fluid, blood, which send from various clinics were inoculated both Mac Conkey agar and Eosin Methylen Blue (EMB) agar. Twenty two K. pneumoniae were tested. Antibiotic resistance was determined by agar disc diffusion method using Mueller-Hinton agar according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute recommendations and the production of beta-lactamase was detected with the iodometric slide test. The Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index values among 22 K. pneumoniae isolates were calculated. The results indicated that resistance rate of antibiotics was in the range of 95% Penicillin (PEN), 82% Amoxicillin (AMO), 77% Cefazolin (CEF), 59% Ceftriaxone (CEFT) and Tetracyclin (TET), 46% Gentamicin (GEN), 32% Nitrofurantoin (NIT), 27% Cefoxitin (CEFX & Ofloxacin (OFL), 23% Streptomycin (STR), 19% Chloramfenicol (CHL) and 9% Meropenem (MER). Among 22 isolates of K. pneumoniae 13 (59 %) showed beta lactamase activity especially isolated from urine, while 9 (41%) showed no beta lactamase activity. Out of 22 isolates, 18 (82%) isolates showed Multiple Antibiotic Resistance against four to ten antibiotics. c 2011 Friends Science Publishers

  • 出版日期2011