
This paper, by using conditional directional distance functions as introduced by Simar and Vanhems [J. Econometrics 166 (2012) 342-354] modifies the model by Fare and Grosskopf [Eur. J. Operat. Res. 157 (2004) 242-245] and examines the link between regional environmental efficiency and economic growth. The proposed model using conditional directional distance functions incorporates the effect of regional economic growth on regions%26apos; environmental efficiency levels. The results from UK regional data reveal a negative relationship between regions%26apos; GDP per capita and environmental inefficiency up to a certain GDP per capita level. After that level it appears that the relationship becomes positive. As an overall result the regional environmental inefficiency-GDP per capita relationship appears to have a %26apos;U%26apos; shape form.

  • 出版日期2013-5-16