
Increase in urbanization adversely affects our water resources. Therefore, new solution techniques related to the protection of drinking watersheds should be investigated to avoid present and future problems such as floods, droughts, and pollution. In this study, a hydrological model for Alibeykoy Watershed is developed by using Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model (EPA SWMM). The model is calibrated by using the rainfall and flow data obtained from the stations in the area. Then, Low Impact Development (LID) type of storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) is implemented into the model in areas nearby the main streams to reduce adverse impacts of urbanization such as flood in Alibeykoy Watershed. Finally, several LID types' scenarios such as bioretentions, vegetative swales, permeable pavements, and infiltration trenches are simulated to observe the influence of LID Implementation on peak flow rate causing flood.

  • 出版日期2017