Evaluaci車n de la Enseˋanza y Aprendizaje por Parte de Estudiantes de un Programa de Talentos Acad谷micos (BETA-PUCV) Frente a un Curso de Neuroanatom赤a Funcional

作者:Lizana Arce; Pablo Jose; Almagia Flores; Atilio Aldo; Simpson Lelievre; Maria Cristina; Binvignat Gutierrez; Octavio; Henriquez Flores; Ricardo Andres; Gomez Arizaga; Maria Paz; Gonzalez Navarro; Marcela; Conejeros Solar; Maria Leonor
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2010.


academic talent occurs in approximately 6% of the population and can be defined by a superior intellectual performance in specific or general academic fields. this research explores the application of an active and participative teaching model in the field of functional neuroanatomy to high school academically talented students (n=27) that participate in an enrichment program (beta program). this method integrates interactive lessons, performance of practical steps that include dissections, constructing tridimensional models and the preparation of anatomic techniques. students were also reinforced through an internet-based virtual classroom called %26quot;aula virtual de anatom赤a humana%26quot;. students were part of the courses implemented during the program%26apos;s first and second semester of 2008. at the end of the course students do an evaluation using a survey that includes questions using a likert scale and a qualitative (open) section. the results of the comparative analysis between students that participated in this course versus students from different science courses of the beta program show that student learning opportunities have been maximized. this is reflected on the significant differences that support our method. student academic talent plus the teaching methodology allows each student to progress according to their own rhythm and to discover, through direct experience, the morphology of the nervous system.

  • 出版日期2010
