
The determination of alloying and impurity elements was performed from a stainless steel matrix and inclusions in process samples. An electrolytic extraction method was applied for the separation of inclusions using two different but commonly used electrolytes, 10% HCl and 10% acetylacetone in methanol. The elemental analyses were performed using atomic absorption spectrometry. The elements of interest were aluminum, arsenic, copper, vanadium, titanium and chromium. The aluminum containing inclusions were imaged using a field emission scanning electron microscope. The results for copper and chromium in both electrolytes, vanadium in 10% HCl electrolyte and arsenic in 10% acetylacetone electrolyte were in good agreement with industrial data. Titanium and aluminum were measured from the dissolved steel matrix but titanium was also detected in the inclusions. It was concluded that the analytical results for titanium and aluminum measured using an optical emission spectrometer is affected by the inclusions within the stainless steel.

  • 出版日期2016
