Active sonar, beaked whales and European regional policy

作者:Dolman Sarah J*; Evans Peter G H; Notarbartolo di Sciara Giuseppe; Frisch Heidrun
来源:Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2011, 63(1-4): 27-34.


Various reviews, resolutions and guidance from international and regional fora have been produced in recent years that acknowledge the significance of marine noise and its potential impacts on cetaceans. Within Europe, ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS have shown increasing attention to the issue. The literature highlights concerns surrounding the negative impacts of active sonar on beaked whales in particular, where concerns primarily relate to the use of mid-frequency active sonar (1-10 kHz), as used particularly in military exercises. The authors review the efforts that European regional policies have undertaken to acknowledge and manage possible negative impacts of active sonar and how these might assist the transition from scientific research to policy implementation, including effective management and mitigation measures at a national level.

  • 出版日期2011