
One of the most critical issues in battery-powered and energy-constrained wireless sensor networks (WSN) is how to make the most of energy efficient strategies to improve system performance. In this paper, the system performance is represented by energy-efficiency and data-efficiency of the network. For the case where all the wireless nodes are distributed uniformly, we put forward an optimization problem and propose an approach to maximize the network performance, by arranging task assignment and transmission routes optimally. With Uniform Distribution unsatisfactory, a new distribution is constructed to improve the system performance greatly. When the new distribution becomes feasible and favorable, we continue to develop a network structure following Gaussian Distribution. Then the efficacies of all the distributions are compared through simulations. The experimental performance evaluation shows that Uniform Distribution can not meet our requirement well while the newly constructed one and Gaussian Distribution are both much more desirable. Our algorithm can also provide a good benchmark against which effective heuristics may be proposed.

  • 出版日期2010
