
The symbiotic variable star CH Cygni went on the deepest minimum phase in December 2006. A high-resolution spectrum of CH Cygni obtained at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) on November 2, 2006, is reported. The spectrum of CH Cygni obtained at the BOAO was calibrated on a scale of an absolute-flux density. Emission lines of H I, [O III], [N II], and [S II] were strong, with several components, and Ca II, H, and K lines had P-Cygni profiles. Removal of the spectrum of the underlying M-type star from the CH Cygni spectrum was completed to obtain the true emission profiles. The radial velocities of all emission and absorption lines were measured. Some of the observed lines were also deconvoluted using multi-Gaussian functions to find the relationship between line shapes and the corresponding sources of these lines. The results obtained are discussed in terms of an accretion disk around the hot star. and in non-spherically extended nebular regions.

  • 出版日期2010-2