
The authors monitored the population of the European Pond Turtle, Em's orbicularis (LINNAEUS, 1758) in Lake Suluklu (Manisa, Turkey) from April to September 2010. According to these estimations, 6.8% of the population were juveniles, 39.1% males and 54.1% females. Using Jolly-Seber's formula, the population size was calculated as 205 (Standard Error = 19.5, range = 167-243), survival rate as 0.82, and capture probability as 0.31. The adult sex ratio was significantly skewed in favor of females (males:females 0.7, P <= 0.009). Mean straight carapace length (SCL), plastron length (PT), and body mass (BM) of adult turtles were for males (n = 52) SCL = 132.2 +/- 1.19 mm, PL = 120.3 +/- 0.98 mm, and BM = 407.4 +/- 94.01 g, and for females (n = 72) SCL = 147.8 +/- 1.44 mm, PL = 144.4 +/- 1.39, and BM = 707.4 +/- 132.11 g. The factors threatening the local population were discussed.

  • 出版日期2011-7-30