A MALT lymphoma prognostic index

作者:Catherine, Thieblemont; Luciano, Cascione; Annarita, Conconi; Barbara, Kiesewetter; Markus, Raderer; Gianluca, Gaidano; Maurizio, Martelli; Daniele, Laszlo; Bertrand, Coiffier; Armando, Lopez Guillermo; Valter, Torri; Franco, Cavalli; Peter W., Johnson; Emanuele, Zucca
来源:Blood, 2017, 130(12): 1409-1417.


<jats:title>Key Points</jats:title> <jats:p>The MALT-IPI was built by using 401 patients in the IELSG-19 randomized trial and validated in an independent set (N = 633). This novel disease-specific index efficiently discriminates patient with good, intermediate, and poor outcomes.</jats:p>

  • 出版日期2017-9-21
  • 单位常州工学院