
Three loci having homology with the small human cytoplasmic RNA, hY4, were isolated from human genomic DNA libraries and sequenced. Each sequence contains dispersed mismatches as compared with hY4 RNA, is followed by an A-rich or A+T-rich sequence, and is bordered by direct repeats. Each of these loci, therefore, appears to constitute a small RNA class-III pseudogene. Surprisingly, two of the three loci are associated with Alu repeats. In the hY4.B7 locus, the hY4 sequence has integrated into the tail of an Alu element and in the hY4.F2 locus, an Alu sequence has inserted into the hY4 tail, confirming that A-rich tracts are preferential targets for retroposition. In addition, Southern blots with probes for each of the four hY RNAs indicate that hY RNA-like sequences are abundant in the human genome.

  • 出版日期1992-7-15
