
There was an irreversible reductive peak at -0.66 V (vs. SCE) for (dihydroartemisininoxy benzoic acid hydrazide(DBAH) at Ag electrode B-R buffer solution containing 20% ethanol (V/V, pH 7.2) using electroanalytical chemistry method. The reductive peak of DBAH shifted negatively to -0.84 V in the presence of holotransferrin (Tf) which indicated an electrochemical active complex was forming. The peak current of the complex increased with the concentration of DBAH an(] Tf respectively increasing. The result of electrochemical determination showed that one Tf molecule could tag with three DBAH molecules, the combinative constant of the complex was 5.1 x 10(10). This result was also validated via UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. It was showed that DBAH and Tf could blind by covalent bonds and form an electrochemical active complex which can be determined by the above mentioned methods.