
The addition of a proprietary, fully-fermented yeast Saccahromyces cerevisiae culture supplement (DVAqua (R), Diamond V Mills, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA) was evaluated during long-term feeding of McConaughy strain rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Beginning at initial feeding and continuing for 408 days of hatchery rearing, the trout received either a commercially-manufactured feed or the same feed containing 0.125 g kg-1 DVAqua. This study was conducted at a production level as part of normal (real-world) hatchery operations, with the fish periodically inventoried and moved into different rearing units. Although no rearing-tank replication occurred during the first 54 days of feeding, multiple tanks and raceways were used thereafter. Fish in rearing units receiving DVAqua supplementation exhibited less mortality, particularly during the earlier rearing stages. During the final 177 days of rearing in six raceways, DVAqua-fed McConaughy strain trout were significantly larger and had a significantly improved feed conversion ratio. The overall feed conversion ratio for the entire duration of the study was 1.17 in the fish receiving DVAqua supplementation compared to 1.21 in the control group. Despite the limitations of this study, the use of DVAqua is recommended for McConaughy strain rainbow trout and other less-domesticated, more difficult-to-rear salmonids.

  • 出版日期2010-6