
Post-stroke recovery relies on neurobiological changes that modify the organization and function of the brain under pathophysiological conditions. The changes can be adaptive (i.e. restoration of function) or maladaptive (i.e. worsening of function). Preclinical models of stroke exhibit adaptive plasticity that leads to a "spontaneous recovery" of functions. This recovery can be modulated through external factors, such as rehabilitation, pharmacology or other adjuvant strategies. Nevertheless, current interventions only result in a limited improvement of deficits and there is also potential for maladaptation. Hence, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying recovery is essential for the design of more efficient and targeted treatment strategies. Here, we review the main features of adaptive plasticity that are thought to underlie the spontaneous and induced recovery of function in animal models of stroke. Within this context, therapeutic interventions, used in isolation or synergistically to modulate recovery, are discussed. It is hoped that a focus on neurobiological principles and their manipulation will enhance interventional strategies to maximize therapeutic benefit. To ensure translation of these interventions into a clinical setting, a close interaction between basic and applied research is required.

  • 出版日期2014-12