
Currently, historical production information for an activity and the corresponding contextual information depicting the conditions under which a production rate is achieved are stored in multiple dispersed data sources, if they are stored. This results in extra time and effort spent in searching, gathering, and integrating information while estimating the activity production rates in new bids. Because estimators work on tight schedules to deliver bids, this may impede estimators from being able to use the neutral and objective data related to past performances. This paper describes a general algorithm developed for data storage, an approach that facilitates the storage of activity-specific production and contextual information in an integrated fashion within project models. This approach employs both an as-planned and an as-built project model as inputs, integrates these models by performing automated mappings between them, and augments this integrated model with activity-specific production and contextual information collected in the field. The developed approach has been validated in terms of its generality in supporting automatic mapping between the as-planned and as-built project models and its generality of data storage in terms of storing data items, which have different representation requirements. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000139.

  • 出版日期2012-6