Ultra-weak sector, Higgs boson mass, and the dilaton

作者:Allison Kyle; Hill Christopher T*; Ross Graham G
来源:Physics Letters B, 2014, 738: 191-195.


The Higgs boson mass may arise from a portal coupling to a singlet field sigma which has a very large VEV f >> m(Higgs). This requires a sector of "ultra-weak" couplings zeta(i), where zeta(i) less than or similar to m(Higgs)(2)/f(2). Ultra-weak couplings are technically naturally small due to a custodial shift symmetry of sigma in the zeta(i) -> 0 limit. The singlet field sigma has properties similar to a pseudo-dilaton. We engineer explicit breaking of scale invariance in the ultra-weak sector via a Coleman-Weinberg potential, which requires hierarchies amongst the ultra-weak couplings.

  • 出版日期2014-11-10