
Polymer degradation by outdoor weathering, heat and ultraviolet (UV) light causes chemical changes in polymer structure and affects the mechanical properties and service lifetime of the polymer. Both UV absorbers (UVAs) and stabilizers (UVSs) are used to enhance the lifetime of polymeric materials. Tinuvin 234, Tinuvin 329, and Tinuvin 360 are commonly used as UVAs, while Tinuvin 770 and Tinuvin 123 are commonly used as UVSs. A sample mixture of the three UVAs and two UVSs was separated using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the separated species were quantified using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (APCI-MS). Separation was performed using a C18-column and gradient elution system of methylene chloride/ethanol (80/20) and methanol. Polypropylene (PP) composite containing the five additives was aged at 90 degrees C for 5-20 days in a convection oven. The additives remaining in the sample after the thermal aging were extracted and analyzed using LC/APCI-MS to measure the amounts of consumed additives. By using this method, the degree of consumption of UVAs and UVSs in a polymer composite by thermal aging can be estimated.

  • 出版日期2011-9