
The relative importance of algal and detrital energy pathways remains a central question in wetlands ecology. We used bulk stable isotope analysis and fatty acid composition to investigate the relative contributions of periphyton (algae) and floc (detritus) in a freshwater wetland with the goal of determining the inputs of these resource pools to lower trophic-level consumers. All animal samples revealed fatty acid markers indicative of both microbial (detrital) and algal origins, though the relative contributions varied among species. Vascular plant markers were in low abundance in most consumers. Detritivory is important for chironomids and amphipods, as demonstrated by the enhanced bacterial fatty acids present in both consumers, while algal resources, in the form of periphyton, likely support ephemeropteran larvae. Invertebrates such as amphipods and grass shrimp appear to be important resources for small omnivorous fish, while appear to strongly use periphyton and Ephemeroptera larvae as food sources. Both and assimilated small amounts of vascular plant debris, possibly due to unintentional ingestion of floc while foraging for invertebrates and insect larvae. Physid snails, , were characterized by considerably different fatty acid compositions than other taxa examined, and likely play a unique role in Everglades' food webs.

  • 出版日期2012-6
