
Nondisclosure is considered to be a central obstacle to effective psychotherapy supervision. The aim of the current study was the validation of the German version of the Supervisory Questionnaire (SQ; Yourman & Farber, 1996), a short measure for the assessment of supervisee nondisclosure. The investigation was based on a sample of 589 supervisees. Confirmatory factor analyses suggested a two-factor model of the SQ which included one factor describing nondisclosure regarding the patient (=.74) and another describing nondisclosure regarding the supervisor (=.71). The SQ demonstrated satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. Additionally assessed supervisee characteristics accounted for 16% of the variance in nondisclosure. These results provide general support for the reliability and validity of the SQ in a large sample of supervisees.

  • 出版日期2014-1-2
  • 单位上海市精神卫生中心
