
Phosphine oxide, OPH(3), and phosphine sulphide, SPH(3) have been studied ab initio using various combinations of theoretical methods (MP2, CCSD, CCSD(T)) and basis sets (cc-pV(X + d) Z, cc-pCVXZ, X = T,Q). For both molecules, high-level ab initio full-quartic force fields have been calculated, and these have been used to predict the most important spectroscopic constants for several isotopologues. For OPH(3), the semi-experimental equilibrium geometry and harmonic frequencies have been determined, by combining the theoretically calculated anharmonic corrections to the experimentally determined ground-state rotational constants and vibrational fundamentals. It is proved that, after applying anharmonic corrections, the unusually large disagreement between the experimental geometry and any high-level theoretical approach disappears.

  • 出版日期2011