
Proteins share similar segments with one another. Such "reused parts"-which have been successfully incorporated into other pro teins-are likely to offer an evolutionary advantage over de novo evolved segments, as most of the latter will not even have the capacity to fold. To systematically explore the evolutionary traces of segment "reuse" across proteins, we developed an automated methodology that identifies reused segments from protein alignments. We search for "themes"-segments of at least 35 residues of similar sequence and structure-reused within representative sets of 15,016 domains [Evolutionary Classification of Protein Do mains (ECOD) database] or 20,398 chains [Protein Data Bank (PDB)]. We observe that theme reuse is highly prevalent and that reuse is more extensive when the length threshold for identifying a theme is lower. Structural domains, the best characterized form of reuse in proteins, are just one of many complex and intertwined evolution ary traces. Others include long themes shared among a few proteins, which encompass and overlap with shorter themes that recur in numerous proteins. The observed complexity is consistent with evolution by duplication and divergence, and some of the themes might include descendants of ancestral segments. The observed re cursive footprints, where the same amino acid can simultaneously participate in several intertwined themes, could be a useful concept for protein design. Data are available at http://trachel-srv.cs.haifa.ac.il/rachel/ppi/themes/.

  • 出版日期2017-10-1