
The "Generation I Fresnel Imager Prototype" is a ground-based prototype of a Fresnel Imager (Koechlin et al., Astron Astrophys 443: 709-720, 2005), reduced in size (optical elements have a dimension of a few cm) but which features all the elements of an operational Fresnel Imager, and integrated in a clean room. Its design has started in October 2004, the first images were obtained early 2006, the key optical element: a cophased Fresnel Zone Lens, was integrated during summer 2006, and since then it has been used to evaluate new types of target shapes, of Fresnel Array cuttings.... It has been decommissioned end of 2008, some constitutive elements becoming parts of the so-called "Generation II Fresnel Imager Prototype". We present the constitutive elements and the achieved results, and the lessons learned from this prototype.

  • 出版日期2011-6