
In this paper, we propose an adaptive data reduction scheme and historical query processing technique based on a proxy architecture for the storage-centric sensor network towards efficient energy consumption. In our approach, sensor nodes maintain the collected data based on a novel three-phase summarization strategy. The major idea is that for a specific time period if all sensor reading values are not too much different from each other, appropriate representative values will be generated. As for query processing, we employ a proxy to transform user queries whose range criteria overlap into simpler fragment queries, each with a distinctive spatial and/or temporal predicate. In this way, only queries that have never appeared before are disseminated to sensor network. Consequently, the cost of communication and processing queries in sensor network is remarkably diminished. Furthermore, the experimental results validate that in spite of approximate sensor values obtained by the data summarization method responses to queries are still highly accurate.

  • 出版日期2011-5