
It is an extremely important issue in drug design to identify essential protein and understand the minimal requirements for cellular life. In the present, it is still one of the major challenges to find essential protein with the rapid increase of available protein-protein interaction data. Sum of edge clustering coefficient (SoECC) has been proved effective than other centrality measures in yeast protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. This paper presents a novel essential protein identification method CCIS based on improved SoECC (ISoECC) method and connected components. In the process, there are other two variations, change number of connected components (CNCC) and change number of maximum connected components (CNMCC) acting as a criterion to score each node. Experimental results show that although the number of essential proteins found by the proposed method does not exceeds that found by SoECC, the proposed method has better generalization ability in the whole network and its performance is much better than other measures, such as DC, BC, CC, SC, EC, IC, BN, RL, LI, LR, NC, MC and SoECC.

  • 出版日期2013
