
The basic features of spatial differentiation of ant communities were studied based on quantitative counts in all landscapes of Central Altai. Gradual changes in the characteristics of ant communities when passing from intermontane steppes to the lower nival belt boundary along the mosaic patterns of the complexes due to variations in meso- and microclimatic conditions were found within the belt. The main trends of the associated changes in ant communities and environmental factors were revealed. Using multidimensional factor analysis, a classification of ant communities was made; it may serve as the basis for the legend of an appropriate medium-scale map. The special features of the spatial differentiation of ant communities in Central Altai, as well as in northeastern Altai studied previously, are determined to a great extent by fluctuations in the hydrothermal conditions of these regions. Among the human-induced factors, habitat transformation in both provinces is most significantly caused by plowing, grazing, annual mowing, and building.

  • 出版日期2011-2