
Mineralogic studies of major ore minerals and fluid inclusion analysis in gangue quartz were carried out for the for the two largest veins, the Aginskoe and Surprise, in the Late Miocene Aginskoe Au-Ag-Te deposit in central Kamchatka, Russia. The veins consist of quartz-adularia-calcite gangue, which are hosted by Late Miocene andesitic and basaltic rocks of the Alnei Formation. The major ore minerals in these veins are native gold, altaite, petzite, hessite, calaverite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite. Minor and trace minerals are pyrite, galena, and acanthine. Primary gold occurs as free grains, inclusions in sulfides, and constituent in tellurides. Secondary gold is present in form of native mustard gold that usually occur in Fe-hydroxides and accumulates on the decomposed primary Au-bearing tellurides such as calaverite, krennerite, and sylvanite. K-Ar dating on vein adularia yielded age of mineralization 7.1-6.9Ma. Mineralization of the deposit is divided into barren massive quartz (stage I), Au-Ag-Te mineralization occurring in quartz-adularia-clays banded ore (Stage II), intensive brecciation (Stage III), post-ore coarse amethyst (Stage IV), carbonate (Stage V), and supergene stages (Stage VI). In the supergene stage various secondary minerals, including rare bilibinskite, bogdanovite, bessmertnovite metallic alloys, secondary gold, and various oxides, formed under intensely oxidized conditions. Despite heavy oxidation of the ores in the deposit, Te and S fugacities are estimated as Stage II tellurides precipitated at the log fTe(2) values -9 and at log fS(2) -13 based on the chemical compositions of hypogene tellurides and sphalerite. Homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions in quartz broadly ranges from 200 to 300 degrees C. Ore texture, fluid inclusions, gangue, and vein mineral assemblages indicate that the Aginskoe deposit is a low-sulfidation (quartz-adularia-sericite) vein system.

  • 出版日期2013-10