A study of viscometric, optical and interfacial properties of binary and ternary liquid mixtures

作者:Saini Akanksha; Joshi Hrishikesh; Kukreja Kratrika; Dey Ranjan*
来源:Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 223: 165-173.


Transport, optical and interfacial (surface tension) properties, have been evaluated for ternary system (2-propanol + tetrahydropyran + 2,2,4 trimethylpentane) and its constituent binaries at 4 different temperatures ranging between 293.15 and 323.15 K. Viscosity, an important transport property, has been computed by employing 15 approaches. Refractive index, an optical and transport property of due significance has also been evaluated using 10 approaches. Surface tension, an interfacial property, has also been computed by five different models. A new approach has been put to test for predicting refractive index and surface tension, for the first time, to binary systems and has been extended for ternary system underinvestigation. The obtained results have been compared with the predictive and correlative approaches by taking absolute average percentage deviation (AAPD) as the criterion. Further, excess Gibbs free energy of activation of viscous flow(Delta G*(E)) and excess coefficient of thermal expansion (alpha(E)) have also been elucidated to predict the nature of interactions for all the four systems to get a better understanding of the various intermolecular interactions taking place thereof. The present investigation attempts to develop a universal equation for evaluation of thermophysical properties.