
The ecophysiological investigations about epiphytic plants have focused on the establishment of mechanistic explanations of how plants respond to changes in their environment. The main objective of this work was to assess the drought and extreme temperature tolerance of Tillandsia dasyliriifolia individuals growing in two coastal dune scrub sites with different precipitation patterns and microhabitat distribution. This study was focused on the effect of plant size on tolerance parameters. Drought and extreme temperature tolerance were evaluated in small (S1, 9 cm) and large individuals (S2, 35 cm). Tolerance between sites was not different but varied between size classes. Tillandsia dasyliriifolia shows moderate tolerance to drought in comparison to more succulent plants. The 50% of the leaves in small plants died after 40 days of drought and after 60 days for large plants. T. dasyliriifolia also exhibits moderate tolerance to extreme temperatures tolerance, small plants tolerate a temperature range from 11 degrees C to 40 degrees C and the range for large plants is a little broader (9 degrees C to 43 degrees C).

  • 出版日期2016-3