
The unitary polar factor Q = U-p in the polar decomposition of Z = U-p H is the minimizer over unitary matrices Q for both \\Log(Q*Z)\\(2) and its Hermitian part \\sym(*)(Log(Q*Z))\\(2) over both R and C for any given invertible matrix Z is an element of C-nxn and any matrix logarithm Log, not necessarily the principal logarithm log. We prove this for the spectral matrix norm for any n and for the Frobenius matrix norm for n <= 3. The result shows that the unitary polar factor is the nearest orthogonal matrix to Z not only in the normwise sense but also in a geodesic distance. The derivation is based on Bhatia's generalization of Bernstein's trace inequality for the matrix exponential and a new sum of squared logarithms inequality.

  • 出版日期2014