
GnRH agonist(GnRH-a) and GnRH antagonist(GnRH-ant) play important roles in in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer(IVF-ET).The effect of GnRH-a was affirmed during twenty years'use.The application of GnRH-ant was comparatively less because some advantages of GnRH-a has not been recognized and now researchers pay much attention on it.So,its useness become more and more in the cycles of controlled ovarian stimulation(COS).Up to now,identical conclusion on which kind of the GnRH analogue is more superior for the results of IVF-ET has not been got.As for GnRH-ant,much investigation should be done and a lot of biological rationale and convincing clinic data should be acquired so as to proving which will be better.
