Using real time locating systems (RTLS) to redesign room allocation in an ambulatory cancer care setting.

作者:Beth, Overmoyer; Sarah, Kadish; Courtney, Haskett; Kendall, Sanderson; Jim, Benneyan; Christine, Reilly; Lillian Vitale, Pedulla; Linda, Brown; Kristen, Camuso; Craig A., Bunnell
来源:Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2014, 32(30_suppl): 157-157.


<jats:p> 157 </jats:p><jats:p> Background: Growing clinics need innovative ways to maximize capacity to ensure efficiency, a core element of quality care. Providers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) are assigned specific exam rooms for each clinic day. Despite room utilization below 50%, providers reported feeling constrained, and patients waited an average of 15 minutes to room. Furthermore, in February 2014, DFCI consolidated two facilities requiring that clinics absorb an immediate 10% increase in patient volume using available capacity. We sought to redesign the exam room allocation process by leveraging RTLS. Methods: Using computer simulation, we compared three options for allocating exam rooms. The simulation indicated a “pooled” room approach that did not designate rooms to individual providers would minimize patient wait time. A team was assembled to pilot the intervention in one clinic. An algorithm was developed to prioritize patients based on appointment time, arrival time, and provider availability. We utilized RTLS to automate the algorithm and indicate available exam rooms to coordinate transport of patients from the waiting area to exam rooms. Patient wait time was extracted from RTLS and compared between the baseline (provider-designated rooms) period and the post-intervention (pooled, undesignated rooms) period. Providers were asked post-intervention to provide feedback using a survey. Results: There was a significant decrease in the average wait to exam room despite a simultaneous increase in average appointment volume during the post-intervention period. Cumulative wait time gains averaged 3.3 hours daily. In addition, providers preferred the pooled rooming method over the designated rooming method. Conclusions: Allowing providers to utilize any available room has allowed this clinic to efficiently accommodate a larger number of appointments per day with an overall decrease in patient wait time. RTLS provided the real-time information necessary to succeed and drive improvement initiatives. [Table: see text] </jats:p>

  • 出版日期2014-10-20
  • 单位Northeastern university; 东北大学; Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute