
We offer a new proof of the Furstenberg-Katznelson multiple recurrence theorem for several commuting probability-preserving transformations T(1), T(2), ... , T(d) : Z curved right arrow ( X, Sigma, mu) ([6]), and so, via the Furstenberg correspondence principle introduced in [5], a new proof of the multi-dimensional Szemeredi Theorem. We bypass the careful manipulation of certain towers of factors of a probability-preserving system that underlies the Furstenberg-Katznelson analysis, instead modifying an approach recently developed in [1] to pass to a large extension of our original system in which this analysis greatly simplifies. The proof is then completed using an adaptation of arguments developed by Tao in [13] for his study of an infinitary analog of the hypergraph removal lemma. In a sense, this addresses the difficulty, highlighted by Tao, of establishing a direct connection between his infinitary, probabilistic approach to the hypergraph removal lemma and the infinitary, ergodic-theoretic approach to Szemeredi's Theorem set in motion by Furstenberg [5].

  • 出版日期2010-5