
Reaction of [Mn-12(CH3COO)(16)(H2O)(4)O-12]center dot 2CH(3)COOH center dot 4H(2)O and Na-9[AsW9O33]center dot 19.5H(2)O in aqueous solution leads to the isolation of a new carboxy group decorated TMSP, Na-15[(Mn-II(COOH))(3)(AsW9O33)(2)]center dot 15H(2)O (1). The structure of 1 was characterized by elemental analysis, thermometric analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction (Crystal data for 1: Trigonal, P-3, a = 12.8804(4) , b = 12.8804(4) , c = 30.3501(19) , V = 4360.6(3) (3), Z = 2). Structural analysis reveals that 1 represents the first example of carboxy group decorated arsenotungstate. Antitumor study indicates that compound 1 possesses high antitumor activity against Hela cells. In addition, the magnetic properties of 1 were also investigated.