A study of seed dispersal by flood flow in an artificially restored floodplain

作者:Hayashi Hironori*; Shimatani Yukihiro; Shigematsu Kotaro; Nishihiro Jun; Ikematsu Shinya; Kawaguchi Yoichi
来源:Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2012, 8(2): 129-143.


Riverine floodplains play many important roles in river ecosystems. However, many floodplains have suffered degradation or loss of ecological function due to excessive river improvements or through changes in agricultural systems. As a result, many floodplain restoration projects are being conducted worldwide. One of the many methods being implemented to restore floodplain vegetation is flood water seed dispersal. In this technique, precisely estimating the effect of seed dispersal by flood water is important in order to achieve successful floodplain revegetation. Here, we focus our attention on sediment transport by flood water into the Azamenose Swamp, a restored floodplain. We attempt to estimate the function of seed deposition in the restored floodplain and explain how the seeds are deposited in the floodplain by flood water. The result suggests that the restored floodplain functions as a more appropriate deposition site for seeds than the riverbanks of the main river. It was also found that the distance from the inflow site and the weight of the sediment were related to seed deposition.

  • 出版日期2012-7