
The Hori-Tong and Hori dualities are infrared dualities between two-dimensional gauge theories with N = (2, 2) supersymmetry, which are reminiscent of four-dimensional Seiberg dualities. We provide additional evidence for those dualities with U(N-c), USp(2N(c)), SO(N) and O(N) gauge groups, by matching correlation functions of Coulomb branch operators on a Riemann surface Sigma(g), in the presence of the topological A-twist. The O(N) theories studied, denoted by O+(N) and O-(N), can be understood as Z(2) orbifolds of an SO(N) theory. The correlators of these theories on Sigma(g) with g > 0 are obtained by computing correlators with Z(2)-twisted boundary conditions and summing them up with weights determined by the orbifold projection.

  • 出版日期2017-8-23