
Iron (Fe) deficiency chlorosis is a common and severe nutritional deficiency in plants, and nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule in regulating Fe homeostasis in plants. We studied the effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP, an NO donor) on Fe uptake, translocation, storage, and activation in a greenhouse. The concentrations of active Fe, total Fe, and the ratio of active Fe to total Fe, the activities of key enzymes, and chlorophyll concentration were determined, and resistance to oxidative stress and mineral element distribution in peanut plants grown in Fe sufficiency and Fe deficiency (an absence of Fe and low level of Fe concentration) conditions were also investigated. The results showed that NO significantly increased the concentration of active Fe and the ratio of active Fe to total Fe in Fe-deficient plants, and increased active Fe concentration in leaves and stems of Fe-sufficient plants. NO application also increased Fe translocation from roots to the shoots and the accumulation of Fe in cell organelles and the soluble fraction in leaves, especially in the low-level Fe concentration condition, thus increased available Fe and chlorophyll concentration in leaves of Fedeficient plants. The activities of key enzymes were regulated by NO, which effectively mitigated oxidative damages by enhancing the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, CAT), increasing H+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activities to balance the ion (Fe, Ca, Mg and Zn) uptake and distribution in Fe-deficient plants. However, NO application had no obvious effect on these variables in Fe-sufficient plants. These results indicated that NO application can improve Fe uptake, translocation, and activation of related enzymes in Fe-deficient plants, thus mitigating the adverse effect of Fe deficiency.