
Agrosilvipastoris systems are expanding the spaces occupied and gaining new adherents in order expansions productive in the same areas. But some issues, such as allelopathic effects of some cultures, in which case the pine, are still poorly known. This research aimed to evaluate the allelopathic effect of aqueous extract from the pine needles on the germination and development of lettuce, corn and beggarticks seedlings. The experiment was carried in a completely randomized design with treatments arranged in a factorial (2x5), where: conditions of the needles (green and dry) x extracts concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) in four replications, under temperature, humidity and light controlled. Evaluations were carried out time intervals of 24 hours, from 0 to 144 hours. It was evaluated the germination, average speed of germination, the length of the primary roots of lettuce and the length from the seedlings roots of lettuce, beggarticks and corn. Extracts the base of green needles affected the variables, where the effect increased with increase in concentration, the effect being more marked in beggarticks. In the statement the basis of dry pine needles, there were minimal results when compared to control.

  • 出版日期2015-4