
Microbial-induced mineralization and cementation of fugitive dust, as a new green and environmental friendly method, is being paid extensive attention to in that it has low cost, simple operation and rapid effects. In this research, carbon dioxide was absorbed, transformed and produced carbonate ions under the enzymatic action of Paenibacillus mucilaginosus. Meanwhile, carbonate ions could mineralize calcium ions into calcite-consolidation-layer (CCL) which have certain mechanical properties. In this process, the fugitive dust was cemented and formed larger particles bond in the calcite-consolidation-layer (CCL). The particular composition and the morphology of calcite-consolidation-layer (CCL) were characterized by Xray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, cementitious materials. of biological carbonates were used to the control of fugitive dust in engineering application. The results suggested that cementitious materials of biological carbonates could mineralize and cement fugitive dust, then form the calcite-consolidation-layer (CCL). Meanwhile, cementitious materials of biological carbonates had superior mechanical properties, such as wind-erosion resistance, rainfall-erosion resistance, moisture and ecological compatibility.