
Physiologically distinct lines of dinoflagellate symbionts, Symbiodinium spp., may confer distinct thermal tolerance thresholds on their host corals. Therefore, if a coral can alternately host distinct symbionts, changes in their Symbiodinium communities might allow corals to better tolerate increasing environmental temperatures. However, researchers are currently debating how commonly coral species can host different symbiont types. We sequenced chloroplast 23 s rDNA from the Symbiodinium communities of nine reef-building coral species across two thermally distinct lagoon pools separated by similar to 500 m. The hotter of these pools reaches 35A degrees C in the summer months, while the other pool's maximum temperature is 1.5A degrees C cooler. Across 217 samples from nine species, we found a single haplotype in both Symbiodinium clades A and D, but four haplotypes in Symbiodinium clade C. Eight of nine species hosted a putatively thermally resistant member of clade D Symbiodinium at least once, one of which hosted this clade D symbiont exclusively. Of the remaining seven that hosted multiple Symbiodinium types, six species showed higher proportions of the clade D symbiont in the hotter pool. Average percentage rise in the frequency of the clade D symbiont from the hotter to cooler pool was 52% across these six species. Even though corals hosted members of both the genetically divergent clades D and C Symbiodinium, some showed patterns of host-symbiont specificity within clade C. Both Acropora species that hosted clade C exclusively hosted a member of sub-clade C2, while all three Pocillopora species hosted a member of sub-clade C1 (sensu van Oppen et al. 2001). Our results suggest that coral-algal symbioses often conform to particular temperature environments through changes in the identity of the algal symbiont.

  • 出版日期2011-3