
Using first-principles calculations within the frame of the density functional theory, we analyze electronic properties of the boron fullerene B80, based on NMR, NQR parameters and NBO analysis. Our results show three typical ranges for boron chemical shielding parameters corresponding to each of the nonequivalent magnetic sites of the B atoms. These three sites are related to frame atoms and two sets of atoms capping hexagons, endohadral and exohedral caps. Calculating quadrupole coupling components confirm this conclusion with more sensitivity than chemical shielding parameters. In addition calculated asymmetry parameter shows that EFG tensor for boron atoms capping hexagons is axially symmetric, eta approximate to 0, while this tensor becomes considerably asymmetric for frame atoms, eta = 0.95, as a result of charge transfer from 20 boron atoms capping hexagons to the 60 frame atoms.

  • 出版日期2012-3